Ethic Code

GIMON is aware that the ethic of behaviours adds value to the brand and is anecessary condition for the success of the company. GIMON believes that principles such as: honesty, moral integrity, reliability and responsibility represents the cornerstone of all the activities that characterize its mission. With the signing of the ethic code GIMON defines the principles towards which the behaviours inside and outside the company should be oriented.

This identity ground its roots in the entrepreneurial style of the founders, who from three generations are leading the company. This legacy gains strength from more than 50 years of traditions, experiences and working habits, becoming one of the most important resources of the company.

It is important for GIMON to underline its own identity, clearly defining the values in which the company believes. In particular the ethic principles of this Code are very important in order to maintain the company’s credibility in the civil and economic contest in which it operates and to makethese values become a competitive advantage.

The ethic Code offers a guide and a support for every employer as well as for everyone who is helping to reach the company’s targets and focus on the group’s mission. The Code is a fundamental element of the internal control’s organisation, which is regularly implemented and developed by GIMON.

It is important that all people working for the company and committed to fulfil the company’s goals, without distinctions and exceptions, share the importance of observing and respecting this Code, according to everyone’s functions and responsibilities.

This Ethic Code, in its the relevant paragraphs, is a fundamental part of the model of organisation, managing and control provided by the article 6 of the legislative decree 231/2001 on the matter of “Disciplina della responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche” (Discipline of administrative responsibility of legal persons).

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